Summer Hope Channell Appointed as a Princess for the 84th Mountain State Forest Festival
Mountain State Forest Festival Director Robbie Morris has announced that Summer Hope Channell will serve as a Princess to the Royal Court of Maid Silvia LXXXIV, Caroline Marie Fluke.
Princess, Summer Hope Channell, was appointed by West Virginia Delegate Cody Thompson. She is the daughter of Jason and Stacy Channell of Beverly. Summer is a 2020 graduate of Elkins High School where she was a senior homecoming princess, a member of the National Honor Society, student and class council, Rhododendron Girls State, ran track, and was a member of the lady Tigers soccer and tennis teams. She was also Dancer of the Year in 2016 and served as a royal court Jester for the MSFF in 2014. In the fall, Summer will be a junior at WVU where she is majoring in Dental Hygiene.